Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Your Pest Problems
When you started your business, you probably didn’t give much thought to pest control. It’s really one of those “out of sight, out of mind” things. Besides, you have a thousand other things to worry about – customers, contracts, employees, vendors, the list goes on. But we’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. When it comes to pest control, the old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” couldn’t be more true. Let me explain.
There have been plenty of times I’ve mentioned the benefits of annual pest protection to business owners, only to be brushed off. And trust me, I get it. It’s not something most people want to spend money on, and some people think I’m just a salesperson trying to push a product. But that’s not it at all. The reason why our annual pest protection program even exists is to solve your current problem and prevent you from having the exact same issue down the road. Here are a few of the benefits of enrolling your business is our annual pest protection plan.
Of course, if one of our customers truly only wants a one-time service, we will provide them with that service without a problem. However, what we see more often than you’d expect is that as soon as their initial problem is solved, the same customer is having problems with other pests (or even the same pest), and they still only want a one-time service. And guess what? Two or three one-time services later, they’ve paid more for their one-time treatment than they would have for a full year of protection.
When you spend your resources protecting against pests instead of getting rid of an infestation, you’ll reduce the amount of pesticides used in and around your business. Once the initial inspection and treatment is completed, our technicians are able to keep on top of anything suspicious. This means that if they see signs of, say, cockroach activity, they will be able to stop it in its tracks without the use of heavy pesticides before it becomes a real issue.
One of the most unnerving things for any business owner, especially those in the food service or hospitality industries, is a pest sighting. With social media, news travels fast. Just one pest sighting in a restaurant or hotel can be enough to tank the next few weeks of business and ruin your reputation. Who cares if you serve the best ribeye in town if you have bugs in your restaurant?
With an annual pest protection plan for your business, you won’t have to give pest control a second thought. Your pest control technician, who has the advantage of coming back to your business on a scheduled basis, will work primarily on the exterior to keep pests out in the first place. After the initial treatment when any pests on the interior are taken care of, your technician will rarely need to treat the interior. Instead, most of their work will be done on the exterior, laying down a barrier each time they are there. As the business owner, this is one less thing for you to worry about.
At YES Pest Pros, we know every business has different needs and we’ll help you prevent pest concerns before they arise. During our scheduled service, your YES Pest Pros pest control expert will thoroughly inspect your home or business, treat where necessary, and provide a detailed report. Regular services occur at a frequency that is tailored to meet your needs and budget, with quarterly, monthly, or bi-monthly services.
By protecting your home or facility against pest infestations before they begin, you’re sure to save yourself headaches down the road. After all, the best offense is a good defense. Let us help!
The post Do I Need Annual Pest Protection for My Business? appeared first on Yes Pest Control.