Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Your Pest Problems
A bedbug infestation is a serious problem, and getting rid of the tiny pests can turn your life into a living nightmare. Once you've caught sight of one bed bug, you can be sure that there are hundreds, if not thousands of others lying in wait to inflict painful and itchy bites on your skin. So what exactly do bed bugs look like, and what are your options for bed bug treatments?
Bed bugs are small, flat insects that are a reddish-brown color and approximately one-quarter inch long. They’ve been around for thousands of years, and these insects feed on blood. Bed bugs get into a home or property from other items that come from infested places, including used furniture, luggage, purses, backpacks, and more. They can also move between rooms in apartments or hotels. Bed bugs hide during the day on beds, cracks, furniture, and wall crevices. They come out at night to feed, which is why people wake up with small bites or tiny bloodstains on the covers.
You never want to handle a bed bug infestation on your own, DIY methods can be dangerous, and can even make the problem worse! According to the
EPA, the quickest and most effective treatment for bed bugs is to contract an "experienced, responsible pest control professional” to fumigate your home using safe and environmentally friendly solutions.
YES Pest Pros provides effective and eco-friendly bed bug fumigation treatment in Columbus and Bloomington, Indiana. Using various bed bug control methods, including a highly-effective liquid treatment, we aim to solve your pest problems in one visit. Early detection and treatment of a bed bug infestation are key to successful extermination, so whether you are certain of, or just suspect an infestation, call YES Pest Pros today to set up a free inspection and consultation. With YES Pest Pros, you can rest assured knowing that any pest control problems you’re dealing with will be solved quickly, affordably, and safely.
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