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Catching sight of a spider in your home can be nerve-wracking, especially if you have a phobia. Unfortunately, as the temperature drops, you might start seeing more spiders inside your attic, basement, bathroom, and other areas of your house.
Having spiders in your home is not necessarily a bad thing. Of course, if you have a significant fear of these arachnids, you might not agree. However, most spiders are harmless and helpful predators that offer free insect and pest control.
Being aware of the different types of common house spiders will help you avoid panic when spotting one of these around the vicinity of your house.
The following are some of the most common house spiders you might come across:
Even though most of these can bite, there are only two that you should be concerned about causing severe harm: the black widow and the brown recluse spiders.
Black widow spiders are distinguished by their red hourglass-shaped marking on the underside of the abdomen that stands out on their shiny black body. Black widows like making their webs near the ground in dry and dark places.
Yet, a false black widow spider is very similar, common in Oklahoma, and can easily be confused with an actual black widow spider. Although these false black widow spiders do carry venom, their bite is relatively harmless.
It’s important to distinguish the difference between the two. You don’t want to take the chance and think the spider is a false black widow because that can mean the difference between a few hours of pain and a trip to the emergency room.
Their violin pattern can help identify the brown recluse spider, but this isn’t a reliable marking and leads to the misidentification of a brown recluse. Instead, it’s best to look at the eye pattern since most spiders have eight eyes in two rows of four, but the brown recluse spider has six eyes in pairs.
These spiders avoid humans as much as possible. They usually build their webs in dark, secluded places and go unnoticed, making it difficult to control an infestation. However, if you catch sight of one, there likely are more.
A bite from a brown recluse is not likely. When it does happen, it’s by mistake or because it’s provoked. Symptoms from a bite vary depending on the amount of venom and the person’s sensitivity. Still, since there is no antivenom, it’s best to seek immediate medical attention if bitten.
The best way to avoid an infestation of common house spiders is to reduce clutter, keep a clean environment, sealing any cracks or entry points, and counting on excellent home pest control. Of course, you especially want to be cautious of black widow and brown recluse spiders.
If you suspect either one, contact a specialist at YESPest immediately.
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