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Most people do not feel comfortable in the presence of bugs, but there are hardly any insects that are more annoying than pesky mosquitoes. Not only is their unwanted buzzing in your ears a source of frustration, their bites can cause irritating itching that can last for hours, if not days. Add to that; they are one of the most common carriers of devastating diseases that can infect humans and other animals alike.
Mosquitos, like other insects, come in a wide variety, each one related to a specific region of the world. If you live anywhere in Indiana, it is estimated that you will, at some point, come in contact with at least 15 different types of mosquitos and at least carry with them life-threatening diseases. Below we have a list of three different types of mosquitoes that everyone should be aware of.
The anopheles mosquito is a known carrier of malaria, filariasis, and arbovirus infections in humans. They are also known for carrying the heartworm parasite that can seriously affect the health of your dogs and cats. Being able to identify this pest can save a life.
Of course, the mosquito doesn’t cause the diseases but is merely a carrier. So, to infect someone, they have first to bite someone who is already infected with the disease and then transmit it to another person through a second bite. The mosquito does not suffer any ill effects from the presence of these parasites.
The culex species is also known as the house mosquito or the West Nile mosquito. These are known to transmit the West Nile Virus along with several others. This common species has gained its reputation for its insufferable buzzing that keeps us up at night.
They love to find corners in your home and usually wait to attack in the wee hours of the morning. Because these insects are purely nocturnal, they rarely strike during daylight hours, reserving their energy for bites sometime between sunset and sunrise.
Since these bites usually occur while we sleep, it is not uncommon for you to wake up with several bites on your arms and legs. This habit is their effort to get enough blood to lay eggs and complete their biological cycle.
The culiseta is known for transmitting several diseases to humans, birds, horses, and other pets. It is most commonly known for transmitting the Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus, a rare condition that causes encephalitis, a form of brain infection.
This disease is quite deadly, with approximately 30% of people who contract it dying. Those lucky enough to survive usually spend the remainder of their lives struggling with ongoing neurological problems.
The mosquitos listed here are only a shortlist of the problem mosquitos you would find in Indiana. However, these pesky little creatures are also known for transmitting other diseases and triggering a host of allergic reactions in many. It always pays to be on the lookout for these critters, but the best way to avoid the threat is to hire professional exterminators to help you remove them safely from your property.
The post Common Mosquitos in Indiana appeared first on Yes Pest Control.