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Spring is right around the corner here in Indiana, and we’re ready! Daffodils, farmer’s markets, spring soccer, gigantic carpenter ants – yep! We’ve got it all.
Wait a second! Carpenter ants ? We know – not what you bargained for. But carpenter ants are another pest to keep an eye out for in the spring months. If you’re not paying attention, they could do some serious damage to your home. Here are a few signs of carpenter ants to watch for this spring.
Like termites , carpenter ants are another common pest that leaves wooden structures at risk. It’s a common misconception that only homes with wooden siding are at risk for damage by carpenter ants, but almost all structures have some type of wood in them that could leave them vulnerable.
Carpenter ants are one of the most common household pests in Southern Indiana, and the largest pest ants in the United States. Although carpenter ants are not necessarily dangerous to humans, they can certainly pose a risk to the structures they’re infesting. They do not eat wood, but they make their nests in wood structures, especially structures that have been exposed to severe moisture.
If treated early, carpenter ant infestations are seldom responsible for severe damage to a structure. However, left if left undetected or untreated, a carpenter ant infestation could be the cause of extreme structural damage to a building.
Part of being a good homeowner is keeping an eye on the state of your house at all times, including pest activity. Many pests are great at working quietly behind-the-scenes and are easily missed, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. t would help if you knew the signs of carpenter ants in your house.
If you have a serious carpenter ant infestation, the signs of carpenter ants in your home will be plentiful, especially if you perform a thorough examination of the areas of your home where you don’t frequent as often, such as a basement or attic. These big black ants can quickly cause serious damage to your home, so it is important to know what a carpenter ant infestation looks like.
Although the damage caused by carpenter ants is not as severe as the damage caused by termites, a carpenter ant infestation in your home has the potential to cause significant damage over a period of years. As the colony grows, the ants expand through the wood, causing more and more damage. If you want to keep your home safe from carpenter ants and the damage they can cause to the wooden structures of your home, it is time to take action.
If you find swarmers (or other signs of carpenter ants) on the outside of your window, take notice. Carpenter ant swarms don’t last long or travel far. If you have swarmers on the outside of your home, it is likely there is a mature infestation somewhere on your property.
If you find swarmers (or other signs of carpenter ants) on the inside of your home, there is little doubt that there is a mature nest inside your walls. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize the implications of finding swarmers inside their home and simply clean up the ants.
Signs of carpenter ants, especially swarmers inside your home, shouldn’t go ignored. Because carpenter ants build two types of colonies (parent colonies and satellite colonies), extermination can be a challenge for a pest control novice. YES Pest Pros will fully inspect the area indoors and outdoors to find any nesting areas, both parent and satellite colonies. After a thorough and meticulous inspection of the structure, we will then recommend a treatment plan tailored to your situation and your needs.
Knowing what to watch for when it comes to any household pest can go a long way in
preventing damage and controlling an infestation — and that is no different when it comes to the signs of carpenter ants in your home.. Schedule a
free inspection with YES Pest Pros today to make sure your home doesn’t become home to any unwanted guests this spring.
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