Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Your Pest Problems
Even though horseflies are intimidatingly large, there is good reason to worry about what effect they can have on your health. No one is ever happy to see insects flying around their home, but the thought of a bite from one of those large beastly flies can strike more than alarm in the hearts of many.
Despite their large size, the way they bite can cause severe damage to the skin of its victims. Because the fly’s mandibular (or jaw) does not just bite but cuts into the skin instead. It then locks onto the bite site with tiny hooks to have easy access to the blood supply.
This type of bite leaves an unusually red mark surrounded by an enlarged and painful area of skin referred to as a hive.
Horseflies usually attack humans, dogs, and horses in search of a good meal. The females tend to be more aggressive and persistent and will likely chase their victim down if there is any chance of something tasty in their sites.
While the bite can leave you with a powerful burning sensation, after the fly has released its grip, you can expect to feel itchiness and inflammation around the area of the bite. In some cases, a bruise may develop.
Still, it is rare for these bites to transmit diseases similar to what you might get from a tick or mosquito. However, that does not mean you’re out of the woods.
Because horsefly bites can be pretty large and can leave considerable damage to the skin, they can take a lot longer to heal than other insect bites. The longer it takes to heal, the more risk you have of infection setting in if the area is not treated carefully.
To avoid infection, make sure that you do the following:
In some cases, allergic reactions can cause additional symptoms. If you find that after a bite, you start to experience:
Then you are likely having an allergic reaction to the bite. In such cases, you need to get medical help immediately.
Everyone loves to spend some time outdoors, but there are times when your enjoyment of nature can be short-lived because of the many pests you encounter. In contrast, most insect bites are not much to worry about and will usually clear up in a matter of hours with little to no treatment; horsefly bites are different. It pays to take precautions to reduce their presence in the first place.
If you have to deal with a large horsefly infestation, it may be wise to take a proactive approach and get expert help in relieving you of that anxiety. Consider hiring a professional that knows how to remove the risk entirely from your environment so you can claim your right to enjoy nature on your terms.
The post Are Horsefly Bites Dangerous appeared first on Yes Pest Control.