Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Your Pest Problems
Bats have something of a public relations problem. Our first reaction to bats might be disgust or horror, but they are a vital part of the ecosystem by all accounts. They pollinate crops and eat pest insects like mosquitoes.
In fact, a 2011 study suggested that bats save the US economy an average of 23 billion in pesticide costs every year.
Bats can be welcome guests on our property, but nobody wants uninvited house guests.
Stopping bats from becoming your roommate can be accomplished in two ways.
If you’re already playing host to unwanted bats, removing them is a job best left to the professionals at YESPest Solutions.
If you must clear out the bats yourself, keep the following in mind.
Consider waiting until Fall or Winter. The bats will leave by themselves to hibernate. You can easily fortify your home against bats while they’re away.
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